Sunday 23 October 2011

Week 12 Final Persona - for Scenario video

This post maps out our primary users needs and characteristics again through the use of persona design.

Keeps her mobile phone on her night stands and uses it as an alarm.  Never turns it off.
Invests in gadgets and things to make her life more convenient, but has a closet full of egg boilers and electric slicers that she doesn’t use. She tends to get kitchenware or appliances for Christmas, as her relatives know she enjoys making meals from scratch and hosting dinner-parties.
 She thinks it’s too time-consuming to dig the appliances out of her top cupboards. They are also annoying to clean, take up space and have to be plugged in the kitchen, which has a limited amount of plugs.
Takes pride in her career.
She has a partner, but is not married.
Has a relative amount of disposable income. Enjoys spoiling her self with a few luxury products and weekends away, but is generally very careful with spending money.
Christina has a household budget, but sometimes she strays, as she is passionate about redecorating. She often buys interior design magazines.
Is used to having to sacrifice sleep and personal time to get projects done outside office hours.
Feel guilty for thing that ‘should’ have been done. Should of, could of, would of..
Finds it stressful trying to remember birthdays, meetings, and in-laws, work out, perfect house, husband, and life.
Feel a personal connection with acquaintances, colleagues, neighbours, and aunties. Stay in touch, occasional polite text/e-mail etc. Not being alerted or reminded when receiving e-mails, replying back late, feeling guilty.
Procrastinating due to a full plate, prioritising work and family life.
Keeps saying ‘We should catch up soon’, ‘We’re overdue for a coffee date’, but never have time to execute the plans.
Used to things happening around her all the time, constant buzz from TV, traffic, people etc.
Feels the house is quiet if she’s home alone enjoys listening to music in the background.
She’s got a short temper, and hates waiting for things, such as computers to start up or elevators.
She’s a part of a generation experiencing an information overload, and naturally filters most of the impressions and things that are happening around her.
Selective hearing and vision.
Action-reaction orientated.
Likes to keep up with new and trendy technology, but if something brakes down she either sends it in to costumer care or just buys a new one. She tends to loose receipts or forget to register her warranties.
She is generally organised and hates clutter, but has rarely time to clean and keep her house up to the standard she would like it to be.
She enjoys spending Sundays in bed, enjoying a calm day with little distractions. She is neglecting housework and obligations but enjoys having a mental break from all the stress.
She wishes she had the time and motivation to exercise more, and likes the idea of walking to work instead of catching the bus. However she chooses to catch the bus as it gives her the opportunity to catch up on e-mails and update her iPhone calendar to the tasks of the day.
Christina is a scorpio and very determined to succeed at what she puts her mind to.
She’s got a few good friends from work and Uni, but only hangs out with them as a group on special occasions, such as birthdays or long weekends. Apart from that she’s got two colleagues that she enjoys going to lunch with once a week.
She has been in a relationship with Lucas for 4 years and they are planning on getting engaged very soon. He works long hours as a supplies manager for a large electronics company.
Feel connected.
Feel confident.
Used to interfaces and electronics, but does not want to learn yet another system.
Be efficient.
Be able to tune out and relax when at home.
Not feel like she’s having to do any more chores or have more responsibilities. She does not like to have to update her computer and do general maintenance, she would rather pay for the convenience.

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