Tuesday 13 September 2011

Week 8 New concept and in- class film exercise

During the tutorial our group got together to discuss further development of our project. After getting input in our different groups (object, scenario and behaviour) we decided to re-design our concept, as we felt that the concept needed more meaning. We wanted to give our 'interactive design installation' more purpose, a reason for people to interact and get something valuable back. We started brainstorming and throwing ideas back and forth. Eventually we headed towards an idea og public water consumption awareness. We wished to design an environmentally friendly water bottle. They way our product was to differentiate itself from the other bottles, was through a system of awareness.

The users would purchase a unique water bottle. It could take the shape of a flask, but also be able to collapse when empty. They can fill it up with water at home if they wish. At any point they can approach any of the drinking fountains located all over the city to re-fill their bottle. The unique thing about these water fountains is that they are installed in the walls and only these bottles fit under them, supplying the user with fresh clean water. The bottles have a cover surrounding them containing electronic ink. This ink will get activated when placed under the water fountain. The more often the bottle is filled the more the leaves/tree pattern/vines grow (the more green on the bottle) showing your support for this sustainable concept. The bottle becomes a statement for the user. The station itself provides the user with feedback regarding the general water level/usage and how many plastic bottles are being saved/ NOT purchased because of the re-fill stations.

During the in-class exercise we each filmed a coffee-cart at campus. Then we analyzed the video, cut out a few crucial frames and interpreted the actions and situation in each one, to develop video-cards. We also did a few other exercises to investigate and compare actions related to the activities surrounding and involving the cart.
Here are the videoframes made in to video cards:

People are lining up to order, but there is no clear line or system, visual indication or order to indicate where to stand, who is waiting or who has already ordered.

Next in line, approaching counter, greeting. Placing order and paying to the staff-member  in the coffee-cart.

Lining up with friends. Waiting to receive order,  not knowing where it will be delivered or how long the wait will be..

Still waiting for the order to be called out, taking a seat near the pickup counter, due to the long wait.

Order being called out, recognizing that it is the correct one, approaching a different counter and receiving her coffee.

Here is one of the video's I shot during the tutorial exercises.

By identifying actions associated with the video and interactions I came up with some themes in accordance with the in-class exercise:
- When the barista stamps the coffee into the handle-bar for ground beans.
- Knocking the milk jug into the counter to get rid of larger air-bubbles.
- calling out coffee-orders in a noisy environment

- Perceiving, writing down, recognising and calling out correct orders. 
- Handling money and cards
- Socialising and adjusting to different customers 
- Multitasking, keeping an eye on food that is being cooked, customers, coffee and supply levels or different kinds.
- Interacting with staff and moving around behind the counter, between furniture and customers. 

- Presenting food.
- Making the coffee; feeling the temperature of the jug with milk, measuring 
- Pouring milk and creating beautiful patterns
- Balancing liquids without spilling
-Wiping around intristic parts
- Dealing with hot surfaces and liquids

- Measuring ingredients
-Handling money
- Hearing and replying to correct information
- Coffee orders

- Correct orders
- Input and output regarding needs of coffee machine and recipes 
- Handling money and cards


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